Antyodaya Anna yojana has been launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister  of  India on  the  25th December,2000. This  scheme  reflects  the  commitment  of  the Government of India to ensure food security for all create a hunger  free  India in the next five years and to reform and improve the Public Distribution System so  as to serve the poorest of the poor in rural and urban areas. It is for the poorest of poor that the  Antyodya  Anna  Yojana  has  been  conserved.  It  is estimated  that  5% of population are unable to get two square meals a day on a sub stained basis through out the year. Their purchasing power is  so  low  that they  are not in a position to buy food grains round the year even at BPL rates. It is this 5% of out population (5 crores of people or 1 crore families)  which constitutes the target group of Antyodaya Anna Yojana.

Antyodaya Anna Yojana contemplates identification of one crore families out of the number of BPL families who would be provided food grains at the rate of 35 Kg per family per month. The food grains will be issued by the Government of India @ Rs.2/- per Kg for wheat and Rs. 3/- per Kg for rice. The Government of India suggests that in view of abject poverty of this group of beneficiaries, the State Government may ensure that the end retail price is retained at Rs.2/-per Kg for wheat and Rs.3/- per Kg. for rice.

The most crucial element for ensuring the success of Antyodaya Anna Yojana is the correct identification of Antyodaya families. It is estimated that there are 6.52 crore families below poverty line in the country as on 01-03-2000. These families are being provided food grains under the TPDS at highly subsidised rates. One crore Antyodaya families would constitute about 15.33% of the BPL families in the country. The identification of these families will have to be carried out by the State Government/UT administrations, from amongst the number of BPL families within the state.

The following steps are suggested for identification of Antyodaya families.

  • The number of Antyodaya families has been indicated for each State/Ut. The State/UT may, in turn, distribute this number among the various districts. Keeping in view the incidence of poverty and backwardness etc for which primary data would be available with the States UTs from various sources.
  • Similarly, in the districts the number of Antyodaya families can again be distributed among various Panchayats and the municipal areas.
  • District Collectors may then start the process of identification after giving it wide publicity. This work may be taken up as a campaign so that people are aware of the process and procedure adopted for identification of beneficiaries under the scheme.
  • District Collectors may press into service all district level officers working with them for supervising the process of identification in various Development Blocks.
  • At the Block level, each Panchayat may be assigned to an Officer of Revenue, Development of some other Department who should be held accountable for proper identification of beneficiaries.
  • In each Panchayat , in the first phase, a tentative list of the poorest of the poor may be drawn up keeping in view the overall number of the families allotted to the Panchayat.
  • The State Government/UT Administration may devise a suitable form for identifying the beneficiary families under the scheme. the data contained in the form should be verified by the Officer nominated for this purpose. The Officer verifying should be held accountable for the verification.
  • Once the tentative list for a Panchayat is ready, in the second phase, a meeting of the Gram Sabha may be held. This meeting should be attended by the Officer, who has been assigned the particular Panchayat. The officer should ensure that the meeting of gram Sabha is held when there is quorum.
  • The tentative list may be read-out in the meeting of the Gram Sabha and the Gram Sabha may finalise the list of beneficiaries and arrange the names in the order of priority with the family mentioned at Sl.No.1 as the most deserving.
  • Once the list is approved by the Gram Sabha, it may be consolidated at the Bloch and then at the District level.
  • In the case of urban areas the State Government/UT Administration may also undertake a similar exercise by involving the urban Local Bodies. The Preliminary identification may be downward-wise by the Chief Executive of the Urban Local Body with the help of the officers/officials working under him. The Preliminary list of beneficiaries may be given wide publicity and also displayed at the Ward Level inviting objections. After going through this process, the consolidated list for the Urban Local Body and its approval obtained.  In case where elected bodies in rural/urban areas are not in position, the State Government/UT Administration may evolve a suitable mechanism for identification of beneficiaries in an impartial and objective manner.

After the identification of Antyodaya families, distinctive ration cards to be known a "Antyodaya Ration Card" should be issued to the Antyodaya families by the designated authority. The ration card should have the necessary details about the Antyodaya family, scale of ration etc.

Where and how to apply?
As this scheme is for poorest of the poor families so the person have to contact

For Rural Area: The person living in rural area have to apply on a plain paper with details of his family members income etc. to  the Panchayat of his area for this scheme. Gram Sabha will decide whether the family is eligible to be  taken under the Scheme or not. After the selection of families the list will be further approved by the  Department of Rural Development, Himachal Pradesh and the Ration Card will be issued by the Panchayat Secretary/Panchayat Sahayak  of the concerned panchayat.

For Urban Area: The person living in the urban area will have to apply on plain paper to Notified Area Committee. After the selection of the families the list will be further approved by the Urban Development Department  and the Ration Card will be issued by Food & Supplies Officer/Inspector, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department of that area.

Supporting Documents
Deletion Certificate or the Certificate to the effect that the applicant was not holding any ration card previously. The affidavit to this effect from the applicant that he didn’t hold any ration card previously must be submitted.   
The income certificate of the family to be issued by the concerned  Patwari of that area. Forms to be filled
No form to be filled

No fee will be charged.


The Annapurna scheme aims at providing food security to meet the requirement of those Senior Citizens who through eligible have remained uncovered under the National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS). Under the Annapurna Scheme, 10 Kg. of food grains per month are to be provided 'free of cost' to the Beneficiary. The number of persons to be benefited from the Scheme will, in the first instance, be 20% of the persons eligible to receive pension under NOAPS in States/Union Territories.

The National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS), launched in 1995, seeks to provide pension @ Rs. 75 per month to 68.81 lakh destitutes, aged 65 years and above. Thus, 20% of 68.81 lakh would imply that 13.762 lakh beneficiaries would be eligible for coverage under the Annapurna Scheme. These Beneficiaries are proposed to be covered in a phased manner depending on the availability of funds and the performance of the State authorities. The State Governments are required to distribute the allocation between Districts, based on the ground situation in real terms. The identification of Beneficiaries will be a necessary first step and State Government should initiate immediate action in this behalf.

Eligibility Criteria
Central assistance under Annapurna Scheme will be provided to the Beneficiaries fulfilling the following criteria:

a) The age of the applicant (male or Female) should be 65 years or above.
b) The applicant must be "destitute" in the sense of having little or no regular means of subsistence from his/her own source of income or through financial support from family members or other sources. In order to determine destitution, the criteria (if any) currently in force in the State/UTs could also be followed.
c) The applicant should not be in receipt of pension under the NOAPS or State Pension Scheme.
d) As mentioned above, the Beneficiary would be entitled for 10 Kgs  of food grains (wheat or rice) per month free of cost.

Implementing Authorities
a) The Department of Public Distribution, Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution will ensure the supply of required quantities of prescribed quality food grains from the godowns of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) to the agency designated by the State Government.
b) At the State level, the State Department of Public Distribution (Departments of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs) and at the District level, the Collector/District Magistrate/Chief Executive Officer, Zila Panchayat will be squarely responsible for the implementation of the scheme. The state Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department will purchase the food grains from the Food Corporation of India on payment of economic cost and will ensure that the FCI supplies the food grains to the district as per district-wise allocation decided by the state within the overall allocation of the State concerned. The Collector/CEO, through the District Officers of the State Food,Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department will responsible for ensuring the availability of food grains at the District level and for distributing the same through the Network of Fair Price Shops under the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS). The Collector/CEO will make arrangement for the distribution of food grains and issue the Entitlement Cards through the Panchayat/Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department and ensure that the Beneficiaries covered under Annapurna are not receiving any old age pensions.

Identification of Beneficiaries
a) The Gram Panchayat would be required to identify, prepare and display list of persons eligible to receive benefits under the annapurna Scheme, after giving wide publicity to the Scheme. They will ensure that Beneficiaries under Annapurna are not already receiving any old age pensions. The Panchayat will also be responsible for the distribution of the Entitlement Card to Beneficiaries, the dissemination of information about the Scheme and the procedure for securing benefits under the same.
b) The Municipalities will be responsible for the above activities in the implementation of the Scheme in their respective areas.
c) The State Government would communicate the targets for "Annapurna" to the Panchayat. Municipalities for identification of the Beneficiaries.

Where and how to apply?
The person living in rural area have to apply to  the Panchayat and  the person living in Urban Area  to   Notified Area Committee on a plain paper. After the approval of the Gram Sabha or the Notified Area Committee, it  will be further approved by the  Welfare Department, Himachal Pradesh and the Ration Card will be issued by the Panchyat Secretay/Panchayat Sahayak/Food & Supplies Officer/Inspector, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department of the concerned area.

Supporting Documents
No supporting document is required to be submitted by the applicant.

Forms to be filled
No form to be filled

No fee will be charged

10/23/2018 - 13
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